Hypno-Reiki combines virtual hypnotherapy and distance Reiki for deep healing. It shifts beliefs, clears energy blocks, and enhances mind-body-spirit balance.

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What is Hypno-Reiki?

Hypno-Reiki is a powerful spiritual practice that seamlessly blends intention-based hypnotherapy with the healing energy of distance Reiki, all delivered virtually. During a hypnotic trance, you become more receptive to healing suggestions, enabling profound shifts in feelings, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors. Reiki, the channeling of universal life energy, clears blockages and balances the energy flow within your body, optimizing your mind, body, and spirit. By merging these two potent therapies, Hypno-Reiki offers transformative benefits that surpass each therapy alone.

How can a Hypno-Reiki session help me?

When you combine hypnosis’s profound relaxation and receptivity to healing suggestions with Reiki’s rejuvenating power, you create a therapy that is greater than the sum of its parts. This powerful combination offers a magnified healing experience that you won’t achieve by practicing either method alone.

Hypno-Reiki bridges the gap between your conscious and subconscious realms, awakening dormant potential within you. It opens the door to the profound wisdom you carry within, giving you access to your inner guidance. This therapy helps you harness your inner strengths for self-healing and spiritual growth. In a deep hypnotic trance state, powered by Reiki energy, aligning your thoughts and intentions with your goals becomes possible.

Benefits of Hypno-Reiki include:

  • Stress reduction and deep relaxation
  • Pain management
  • Enhanced recovery from surgery, injury, or illness
  • Promotion of insights for self-healing
  • Awakening of connection with divine energies
  • Empowered personal development and spiritual growth

Combining hypnosis with Reiki provides a pathway to profound healing, personal transformation, and spiritual awakening. This therapy enables you to embrace the power within you.

What should I expect during and after a session?

Prepare to be relaxed, comforted, and inspired.

Each Hypno-Reiki session lasts approximately one hour. As you recline comfortably on a bed, sofa, or chair, you will be gently guided into a state of deep relaxation through verbal instruction and the distance transmission of Reiki energy. You may experience sensations of warmth, refreshing coolness, tingling, or pulsating energy waves.

Next, you will be softly induced into a hypnotic trance, where therapeutic suggestions for healing will be provided. You will be awake and aware, but your focus will be within. This is followed by a restful period with continued Reiki energy transmission. As relaxation deepens and stress melts away, you may feel a heaviness in your limbs or a lightness of being. Emotional, mental, and physical pain may diminish, leading you into a profound meditative state.

For your convenience, I will record the session so you can replay it for further healing. Depending on your needs, I may recommend a series of sessions to maximize the benefits of Hypno-Reiki.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Hypnosis consists of a relaxed inner focus and almost everyone can be hypnotized.  Exceptions are those who are mentally challenged,  or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Also, persons who are exceptionally fearful or highly skeptical may have difficulty relaxing sufficiently to enter a hypnotic trance.  If you have difficulty, I can work with you to prepare you for hypnosis.

How much is a Hypno-Reiki session?

A Hypno-Reiki session lasts approximately an hour, and one session costs $150. Three sessions within one month cost $375 or $125 for each session.

Schedule a Hypno-Reiki consultation today!

All services are provided online via Zoom. Begin by scheduling 30-minute complimentary introductory appointment.

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